Aspects of newer developments of and with Mathematica. Its oft hidden principles. Based on 23 years development experiences. That Mathematica is also the focus of my business life is a natural conclusion of my interest in computer mathematics and my demand first orientation.
The Goats, Wolves and Lions Puzzle and a Wolfram Language Program to Solve It
New Wolfram Pages - New Platforms - New Business Principles
Intel Edison and Wolfram Language
Something Very Big Is Coming - Wolfram CLOUD
25 Years of Mathematica
A Whole Zoo of Probability Distributions
Wolfram Takes Mathematica 9 to All of Us
An Apology Letter to Mathematica
Big Systems for the Small
An Open Letter to Mathematica
Wolfram SystemModeler Announced
The Wolfram Finance Platform
Wolfram|Alpha Pro
One Day We Will
Idealism vs Realism in Programming
Mathematica - Fire Ignited in the Engine
Mathematica Fit for Econophysics
Triumph of Hybrid Technologies - Mathematica and C++ and CUDA
Value at Risk Universe in UnRisk/Mathematica
What Is It What Mathematica Can't Do?
What Is It What Only Mathematica Can Do?
My 20 Years of Computer Mathematics
Spell The Version Chaos
Hybrid Programming Made Easy
Reinvent Development? My 10 Ideas for 2010
Silo But Deadly?
Must Climb The Tree To Get The Fruit?
Technological Convertibles
Complex Bounded Geometry
Never Work Without A Workbench
Brainteaser Killer
Courseware Builder